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Make a Difference Each and Every Month

Match Makers

Ways to Give

Give Monthly - Match Makers

Imagine being a part of the moment when a mentee meets their mentor for the first time.

As a Match Maker, you can help introduce Littles on our waitlist with a Big each and every month. Your continued support will help keep kids on track for success now and into the future.

 Match Makers is a unique group of monthly donors who choose to support the mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands as a consistent force for change. Match Makers create life-changing friendships every month and help all our mentoring relationships stay strong and last.

It's easy to set up a recurring gift of $10, $25, $30, $50, $100 or an amount of your choice with a debit or credit card.

Littles Report

- 84% maintained or improved their overall educational expectations
- 85% maintained or improved their levels of social competency
- 98% maintained or decreased their level of participation in bullying

Match Maker and Big Sister Frances Hunter knows the importance of giving her time and giving financially. Monthly donors like Frances make a big impact by contributing a little at a time. Frances’ $40 monthly donation is an easy way to spread out her support. Rather than making a one-time donation of nearly $500, she simply set up her monthly gift to be automatically withdrawn every month.

Join other passionate and inspirational people who are giving what they can to make a meaningful difference in the lives of kids here in our community.